Books to Read

“Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.”
- P. J. O'Rourke

Currently Reading:
  • Just Jane, Nancy Moser (Robyn)
  • The Broken Heart, Bruce Hafen (Chris)
  • The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince), Antoine de Saint-Exupery (Chris)

Plans to Read: 

  • Leadership and Self-Deception, The Arbinger Institute (Robyn)
  • Books by Jane Austen (Robyn)
  • The Power of One, Bryce Courtenay (Chris)
Reviewed Books:

Stone Fox,
John Reynolds Gardiner

For some reason, when I first read this book (probably 2nd grade), I thought it was a novel. A long novel.  This time, after finishing the entire "novel" in 40 minutes, I've decided my youthful imagination must have filled out the pages to make it much longer.  Despite its brevity, the book teaches a great message about self-sacrifice and true love.  Plus it has pictures!  (Chris, June 2011)
Here's Looking at Euclid,
Alex Bellos

I'm a math nerd.  This book was AWESOME!  It was delightful in showing how the world of mathematicians melds so wonderfully with puzzle-makers and magicians.  Ants that count, numbers bigger than infinity, the deliciousness of pi, aesthetic equations, slot machines and lotteries, and dozens of other mathematical tasties to enjoy.  (Chris, June 2011)


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,
Roald Dahl

One more book of evidence that my imagination is far superior to Hollywood special effects.  (Chris, May 2011)

The Beggar King and the Secret of Happiness,
Joel ben Izzy

A professional storyteller gets throat cancer and must learn to live without his voice.  A warm story about finding treasure in what is hidden before our eyes.  The stories before each chapter are delightful and propel the story forward.  (Chris, May 2011)
The Anatomy of Peace, 
The Arbinger Institute

Addresses many of the same issues as Leadership and Self-Deception but with a more specific emphasis on resolving conflict in family and personal relationships.  Easy to read with a nice flowing story. (May 2011, Chris)

The Chosen,   
Chaim Potok

This book was slow (understandably so, silence is a major theme) but I really enjoyed it. (April 2011, Chris)

Leadership and Self-Deception, 
 The Arbinger Institute

This book invites introspection and looks at how we can improve interpersonal relationships with special emphasis on the workplace.  Highly recommended. (April 2011, Chris)

Tuesdays with Morrie,
Mitch Albom

A former student goes to see his favorite professor who is dying of Lou Gehrig's Disease and takes a final course on life.  Yippee top 5 favorite books ever. (March 2011, Chris)

Roald Dahl Collection
Got this collection for Christmas.  Love the sillywilly hobblescrunch language of Roald Dahl.

The Witches- 3 stars.
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me- 5 stars.  Pure silly.
Matilda- 4 stars.
The BFG- 4.5 stars. There is too little whizpopping in the world today.
Boy, Tales of Childhood- 5 stars. Autobiography- nothing like a dead mouse in a sweets' jar! 
Going Solo- 5 stars. Autobiography- A teenager in Africa and WWII pilot in the Royal Air Force. 
George's Marvelous Medicine- 3 stars.
Danny the Champion of the World- 5 stars. A boy with a "sparky" father.
Fantastic Mr Fox- 4 stars.
Esio Trot- 3.5 stars. 
The Twits- 4 stars.
(January to March 2011, Chris)
...Only 4 to go... 

1 comment:

  1. Good choices! You guys should join Goodreads, it's a lot of fun.
